If you missed the first edition of #FLARTalks 2021 watch the replay of this joint webinar with CAF – Development Bank of Latin America-. With the participation of the officers from the central banks of Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru.

The purpose of this webinar is to share experiences and visions on the recent developments in the region’s capital flows and external debt before and during the current crisis, understanding its effects on the financial vulnerabilities and strengths of the countries in the region. Specifically, the idea was to discuss the following aspects:

  • Covid-19 shock effects on public and private capital flows (short-term and foreign direct investment) and public and private indebtedness in foreign currency, within a context of high international liquidity.
  • Evolution and diagnosis.
  • Capital flows vulnerabilities and strengths, and public and private external indebtedness levels and profiles.
  • Macroeconomic and financial stability’s main future challenges.