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FLARblog | Latin America in 2024: Macroeconomic stability in a shifting and complex global context

FLARblog | Latin America in 2024: Macroeconomic stability in a shifting and complex global context

Latin America faced a mixed economic outlook in 2024 amid a slight global economic slowdown driven by geopolitical tensions and uneven performance among major global economies. The region’s economic growth outpaced initial projections (2.3% compared to 1.8% forecasted), supported by resilient external capital flows, robust financial systems, and monetary policies that helped bring inflation closer to target levels.

Press Release: Joint IMF-RFAs press release on the 9th High-level RFA Dialogue

Press Release: Joint IMF-RFAs press release on the 9th High-level RFA Dialogue

The 9th High-level Regional Financing Arrangements (RFAs) Dialogue was held on 23 October 2024 in Washington DC at a time when the global economic outlook is improving but remains weak amid a complex geoeconomic environment and elevated policy uncertainty. The heightened volatility observed in global financial markets over the summer rearmed the importance of having a strong Global Financial Safety Net, including eective collaboration between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and RFAs, to safeguard against external risks.