Hiro Ito, Gurnain Pasricha, Joshua Aizenman and Silvio Costa, led the conversation in the last #FLARTalks webinar, based on the paper «Central bank swap arrangements in the COVID-19 crisis»

The Fed’s (Federal Reserve) scale and speed of actions in response to the current crisis are unprecedented, not only within the U.S. but also via its liquidity lines provided to several central banks worldwide. Some questions come up: (i) What motivated the Fed to choose a larger magnitude and coverage of its liquidity credit lines with some central banks? (ii) What are the effects of these credit lines on the economies of the central banks that agreed to them?

To answer and discuss these and other relevant questions, we have invited Professor Hiro Ito, Gurnain Kaur Pasricha, and Professor Joshua Aizenman to present their recent research: Central Bank Swap Arrangements in the COVID-19 Crisis. After the paper presentation, Silvio Costa, Deputy Head at the International Department in the Central Bank of Brazil, will discuss the main findings in the paper.