

FLAR has established partnerships with agencies and institutions within and outside the Global Financial Safety Net (GFSN). Their purpose is to strength good governance, promote best practices and reinforce FLAR’s capacities and impact, taking advantage of the complementarities in areas and issues of common interest with other institutions.

Within this framework, technical cooperation, dialogue, research and information and analysis exchange activities take place. The independence scope and limits of the respective mandates, policies and priorities of FLAR and each partner institution are preserved in each activity.

Partner Agencies and Institutions
What is the Global Financial Safety Net (GFSN)?

The GFSN is the set of institutions and instruments that offer precautionary insurance against crises, provide international liquidity when they occur, and encourage good macroeconomic policy practices. The network consists of four components: i) international reserves, national component; ii) bilateral swap agreements between central banks, bilateral mechanism; iii) Regional Financing Arrangements (RFAs), regional component; and (iv) the International Monetary Fund (IMF), global mechanism and GFSN center.

International Monetary Fund

Fondo Monetario Internacional

Participación de funcionarios en seminarios organizados por cada institución, talleres conjuntos y reuniones entre autoridades y técnicos tanto a nivel bilateral como multilateral en temas de interés común. 

Gita Gopinath
Economic Counsellor and Director of the Research Department IMF

Entrevista con el FLAR, en el marco de la Conferencia Anual de Estudios Económicos

Regional Financing Arrangements (RFAs)

RFAs are mechanisms or agreements by means of which a group of members or countries mutually commit to provide financial support whenever they experience or may face financial difficulties.

High level dialogues

Organized by AMRO, ESM y FLAR

4th Regional Financing Arrangements Research Seminar

Held virtually on December 16 and 17, 2020.

2nd High-Level RFA Dialogue

Held virtually on September 24, 2021.

3rd High-level RFA Dialogue

Held virtually on September 24, 2021.

4th High-Level Regional Financing Arrangements (RFA) Dialogue

Held virtually on December 16 and 17, 2020.

5th High-Level Regional Financing Arrangements (RFA) Dialogue

Held virtually on September 24, 2021.

8th High-Level Regional Financing Arrangements (RFA) Dialogue

Held on 10 October 2023
in Marrakesh

Annual Joint Research Seminar

Organized by AMRO, ESM y FLAR

4th Regional Financing Arrangements Research Seminar

Held virtually on December 16 and 17, 2020.

FLAR co-organizes the 5th Regional Financing Arrangements Research Seminar together with ESM and AMRO

Held virtually on September 24, 2021.

6th Research Seminar on Regional Financial Agreements

Held virtually on May 17 and 18, 2022.

7th Joint Regional Financing Arrangements Research Seminar

Held on May 25 and 26, 2023 in Cartagena de Indias.

8th Joint Regional Financing Arrangements Research Seminar

Held on May 16, 2024 in Luxenburgo.

Memorandums of Understanding

In conjunction with ESM and AMRO

Regional perspectives on the economic impact of a double shock: Asia, Europe, Latin America

May 19, 2022

FLAR Blog | Regions across the globe have been facing a double-shock as the pandemic triggered a demand shock and supply disruptions while economies were recovering.

RFAs in the world

Besides FLAR, the other RFA’s are the following: The Arab Monetary Fund; Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS); the Chiang-Mai Initiative1; the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development (EFSD); the European Union’s Balance of Payments (BoP) Assistance Facility; the European Stability Mechanism (ESM); and the North American Financial Agreement.

1/ The ASEAN + 3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO) operates as a surveillance unit, independent from the Chiang-Mai initiative

BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement